MOOCs stands for Massive Open Online Courses. These free open-for-all courses feature pre-recorded video lectures, prepared reading material, illustrations and notes along with self-assessment worksheets/tests/quizzes. Some may even provide interactive community discussion forums and feedback surveys, to engage with fellow students and teachers. You can also get certificate of the university offering the course on completion for a nominal fee, by going through in-person proctored final examination, earning yourself academic credits. With a colossal library of certificate courses, across all disciplines, by reputed HEIs, all freely available with few swift strokes on the keypad, at you leisure – MOOCs truly are game changing addition for the education sector globally. Seriously, the opportunities are as endless as your curiosity. We here at, Dolphin (PG) Institute Of Biomedical & Natural Sciences – An Autonomous College, encourage all students to utilize this tool to further their growth. We have established a SWAYAM – NPTEL local chapter to bring you the widest selection of UGC approved and encouraged MOOCs. SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) is a government initiative under Ministry of Education and NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) is a conjoint effort by IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) and IISc (Indian Institute of Science), funded by Indian government. Combined they offer more than 3000 MOOCs free-of-charge to all students, and are constantly updating and adding to their catalogue. You can opt to pursue any course offered by SWAYAM – NPTEL as a student of DIBNS with additional support of our faculty, especially to select a course that will aid your academic journey. Don’t hesitate; embrace the genesis in the next phase of higher education!