COPE Workshop


Unlocking the Secrets to Stronger Relationships – Two workshops on Relationship Management tailored specifically for college students were organized by Dolphin COPE Community in collaboration with Mpower, an initiative by Aditya Birla Education Trust, Mumbai for 60 students from the Dept. of Physiotherapy and 70 students from the Dept. of Medical Lab Technology on 31st May and 6th June respectively.

The experts – Ms. Mugdha Mahesh Mhatre and Ms. Anushka Patil, Executives- Outreach and Content, Mpower, Mumbai explained about the various kinds of relationship. They explained that all relationships are not of same kind and hence should not be handled in similar manner.

They categorized the relationships according to various deeds, priorities etc. To explain further they used the analogy of a circle. The circle is multilayered as shown in the figure above.

According to the experts, the inner portion of circle only belongs to us. It basically means, we should maintain some of our personal space which should not be influenced by any relationship.

Second circle belong to our family and partner. It means we can share almost everything with them but should not hinder our personal space.

And, third circle belongs to our friends and relatives. According to the experts, after family and partner our closest bond is with our friends and relatives.

Fourth circle belongs to colleagues, batch mates, teachers etc. This circle belongs to the person with whom we only have professional relationship. And, outer most layer of circle belongs to stranger.

The experts emphasized that the students should maintain healthy relationship with everyone and also maintain the sanctity of that relationship. They should not allow individuals to cross their respective boundaries but also should ensure not to cross their boundaries in relationship.  

The informative sessions shall surely guide the students to build strong relationships, which shall enhance their personal and professional lives and make them deal effectively with people around them.